Sunday, 3 October 2010

The Famous Grouse

The usual mixture of four seasons in one day in the High Peak yesterday morning and a first visit in over a month to see the Red Grouse.

The golden rule when walking in this region is to be prepared for anything, but nothing could have prepared me for the sight of a Weasel drinking from a small pool only yards from where I had parked my car...Needless to say, he didn't have the manners to wait as I hurriedly unpacked my camera equipment!

This was my first trip out with the camera for several weeks, due to a combination of family commitments and ill-health and I must admit that I felt a little rusty...
I had forgotten the golden rule about being prepared for anything...Forgetting my wellington boots meant I was limited mainly to the crude paths that wind through the region because the moors were at their most boggiest!

Despite being a little disappointed about missing a few shots of smaller birds, I did alright with the target species for the morning, the Red Grouse.
There were very good numbers of the birds about, but they did seem even more jumpy than normal.
I had no luck with the females yesterday, but there were one or two males that allowed me to get close...


  1. You get some really beautiful pictures of this nice bird !

  2. Love grouse's! And this one is no exception. Great shot's you got ;)

  3. Wow the first one is perfect with this nice background but the whole set is beautiful.... I'd like to see it one day!
