We left home just after 9am and had a pleasant drive through North Wales down to Powys taking in some beautiful Welsh scenery.
The weather was sunny although very cold and the remnants of a light overnight snowfall were still visible through much of the journey.
We arrived early so parked the car a couple of miles down the road from the farm, where we scanned the hills hoping for our first glimpse of these incredible birds and it wasn't long before we spotted a pair high above the rocks.
After a bite to eat we arrived at the farm to witness about a dozen or so Kites circling in the distance while the Buzzards, Ravens and Rooks were already at the feeding station eagerly waiting.
Feeding time at Gigrin is at 2pm prompt and by the time the farmer had arrived on his meat filled tractor the sky was filled with Raptors...Who says birds can't tell the time!
The birds seemed to wait patiently while the farmer shoveled the meat all around the ground and as soon as he'd finished the show began!
200 Red Kite competed with a couple of dozen Buzzards as well as Corvid's and even a Grey Heron for the spoils!
The aerial displays were magical with the Kites performing all wonder of mid-air maneuvers...Swooping down to scoop food from the ground and never once landing.
The Buzzards on the other hand were more than happy to stay grounded and gorge as much meat as possible!