After parking the car and taking the very short walk to the Ponds, I had to double take when amongst the usual collection of fairly common wildfowl I spotted a very rare sight and a bird you don't see very often in the wild in Europe...The Ringed Teal.

They can also be found in Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay and Stockport of course!
The Ringed Teal is a very small and shy Duck that favours forests and swampy marshes...The more secluded the better.

This male bird of course must be an escapee, but I count myself very lucky to have had a chance to see his kind at such close quarters.

It was another lovely sunny day yesterday and it was nice to see another species of duck enjoying some quality time in the water...
The Indian Runner Duck is a domesticated breed and like the name suggests, it spends most of it's time running around on dry land looking for food...Mainly worms!
There are around a dozen or so of these large Ducks at the Vale and their comical antics make them very popular.

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