I must say, it wasn't the best day on the photography side of things and matters weren't helped by some very strong winds.
It was however a very good day for sightings...all be it many at a distance!
Things started well enough at Burton Marsh with a lovely close encounter with a male Reed Bunting...

I counted 12 Egrets at Burton this morning, which is the most I've ever seen in one place at one time...

Not long after, the Black-Tailed Godwit, flew in for the closest (but not as close as I'd like) views of the afternoon...
Numbers of Little Egret at Inner Marsh were somewhere approaching double figures, but there was a lot of toing and froing between here and Burton so getting an exact count proved difficult.

It wasn't all about birds today and the mammals were represented by this Rabbit who seemed to have a liking for the grass at the edge of the path...

Last stop was Parkgate and yet more Little Egret sightings...Another 3 to be precise!
Despite the wind, it was a lovely sunny day and quite warm when the gales subsided.
Any birder will tell you, that on a warm sunny day at Parkgate, there is only one thing left to do after the birding is finished...Visit the famous Nicholls Ice Cream shop!
A great day's birding and a Rum & Raisin Cornet made up for any photographic disappointment.
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