Tuesday, 10 August 2010

What Have They Done To The Rain?

If anybody out there (and I know some do) still have their doubts about the validity of the hosepipe ban that was introduced to North West England last month, please read on...

Last week I posted a couple of shots I had taken last year at the Ladybower Reservoir in the Peak District and I apologies now for reposting them, but I feel they are relevant.
On Sunday, I visited my favorite spot on Ladybower for the first time in a couple of months and I was shocked at what I saw.

Here is the scene taken last year of Ladybower towards Castleton...

Here is the same viewpoint taken on Sunday...

A scene of Ladybower towards Howden Dam taken last year...

The same viewpoint taken on Sunday...

I've been visiting Ladybower for many years and I've never seen it so low.
The story is the same at the majority of the regions reservoirs and even after the rains we had last week, there seems to be little or no impact on water levels.
I suggest it may be many months before there are any real signs of recovery.

So if you meet any 'Doubting Thomas' (and I have met a few recently) who question United Utilities decision to introduce the ban, please direct them to this post, or better still tell them to visit their local reservoir...I'm sure they will find it an eye opener.


  1. Spectacular ! Seems as dry as South of France ;)

  2. THose image are pretty sad...and they talk a lot. We have the same problem here in Quebec...people are still washing their driveways with their hose, but are water level are at a 40 year low!
