Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Common Blue Damselfly

Following on from yesterday and another member of the Dragonfly family is the Common Blue Damselfly.
These electric blue beauties are like their name suggests a common sight on Britain's waterways, but they never fail to catch your eye.

After reading up a little on this species, I found that they like to perch on plant stems and leaves, often in numbers and always facing the same way. A fact illustrated in the image below...

On the day I took these shots, there were good numbers of Damselflies at fairly close quarters so I decided to have a go at trying to capture them in flight....Not by any means an easy task and after several attempts I concluded that this shot was likely to be the best I was going to get!


  1. Wow Anthony ! The flying one is awesome !! Sure not easy to catch :)

  2. As Pescalune said, the flying one is awseome...great catch ;)
