Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Old Moor

On Sunday, I drove over into Yorkshire and to the superb Old Moor RSPB reserve.
The original plan was to visit the Ribble Estuary, but after reports of Bittern and Water Rail at the Yorkshire site I decided to try my luck.

Unfortunately Bittern and Water Rail are probably 2 of the shyest birds that can be found in the UK and almost inevitably the search was fruitless!

Still a very pleasant afternoon, although perhaps a little quiet on the bird front.
Highlights were good numbers of Little Grebe, Ruff, Redshank, Lapwing, Teal and Greenshank...


  1. Nice sequence! I never seem to get close enough to greenshank to get a worthwhile image. Well done.

  2. Bittern are very shy here to! You managed to get very nice images anyway ;)

  3. Thanks guys.
    Tiger, I can never get as close as I'd like to Greenshank either...These images were taken from a hide and even then I had to crop them!
