Thursday, 3 June 2010

Local Heroes

I've spent the last couple of evenings exploring farmland close to my home and despite the insect bites, I've had a very enjoyable time in the sunshine...

The Lapwing is a bird that is sadly in decline in the UK, largely due to loss of natural habitat.
It's always very pleasing to see these beautiful birds in their traditional countryside surroundings and my local farms have a steady population.

In fact the local population has taken somewhat of a boost with some new arrivals...

Another dwindling British species is the Starling and I'm pleased to report that there are very good numbers of youngsters at my local patch this year...
This particular location also has a very healthy population of the very charismatic Pied Wagtail and this little beauty was posing very nicely...

1 comment:

  1. What a nice Wagtail you have there :)
    Starlings are not really declining in my garden - lol - have a lot of young ones over here ! But never seen a Lapwing ....
